Stranger Crochets Hat Mid-Flight For Baby’s First Flight One Aisle Over


A stranger used her crochet skills to entertain a baby on her first airplane flightA stranger used her crochet skills to entertain a baby on her first airplane flight

Anyone’s first flight can be riddled with anxiety for any age group. But when the first-time flyer is a baby, there are tons of unknown elements that can turn a usual flight into a – loud – nightmare. Fortunately, a kind stranger used crochet to keep the tiny passenger mesmerized.

The Levine family, natives of Hoboken, New Jersey, were bound for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The flight from the two destinations can be from five to seven hours, depending. On top of that, the Levine family had five-month-old baby girl Romey to consider. Fortunately, a talented artist found a creative way to help.

A young baby was treated to watching crochet work by a stranger on her first flight

Two sets of strangers became forever connected caring for a young baby on her first flightTwo sets of strangers became forever connected caring for a young baby on her first flight
Two sets of strangers became forever connected caring for a young baby on her first flight / Unsplash

Also on the flight was Villanova, Philadelphia native Meegan Rubin, who smartly packed some work to pass the time away. It didn’t take long for her to earn a very enthused audience. Romey has been described by her parents as “very curious” and observant, and she made the perfect fan.

“I was sitting in the aisle and the baby was in the aisle so she was gazing at me the entire flight,” she shared. “I was working on a sweater. She was literally mesmerized by it.”

Her parents were charmed by the display. “[Romey] ended up taking a liking to this woman next to us and the woman was crocheting. Her hands were moving a million miles an hour and Romey was just obsessed with it,” shared mom Kelly Levine. The hypnotic gestures of Rubin’s work were enough to keep Romey occupied, but Rubin had another surprise up her sleeve.

Rubin then used her craft to make something Romey could keep

Meegan Rubin set to crocheting a hat for five-month-old baby RomeyMeegan Rubin set to crocheting a hat for five-month-old baby Romey
Meegan Rubin set to crocheting a hat for five-month-old baby Romey / TikTok

As it turned out, Rubin thought of another way to make the flight special for Romey. “I was like, if I [don’t] run out of this yarn and there’s time, I’ll do it, because I had the same color yarn as her little outfit,” she recalled. “I couldn’t help it. I was like, this baby is getting something because she’s too cute.”

By the time she got to work on the hat, there was just an hour left. The hourglass was filling up but Rubin was determined to see the project through before the traveling parties parted ways, possibly forever.

The sweet adventure went viral onlineThe sweet adventure went viral online
The sweet adventure went viral online / TikTok

Finally, she finished. The Levine family was stunned when this stranger offered their baby her very own handmade hat, a parting gift for her very first and most unique flight.

“She ended up gifting us this beautiful beanie that she decided to make for [Romey] mid-flight,” Kelly marveled. “We thought, ‘What a cool way to just do something nice for a stranger,’ and in turn, light up everyone else’s mood. It was such a selfless act.”

Rubin recalled, “We landed and right as everybody was getting up, I was like, ‘I’m finished! … Let’s see if it fits baby.’” Passengers cheered when it was deemed a “perfect fit” and footage has gone viral on TikTok. This could have been the last of this unexpected connection, but now Romey has officially become Rubin’s “muse” and will be getting more creations – next up is a dress!


Good people are the best #babies #babiesoftiktok #flyingwithkids #payitforward #goodnews #goodnewsmovement #firstflight #flyinghacks #united @United Airlines

♬ Gods creation – daniel.mp3


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