The One Award Elvis Presley Accepted In Person And Took Everywhere


Elvis Presley was the recipient of multiple awards. However, he only accepted one in person, making it a special event. As Graceland’s recent Instagram post highlighted, this week marks the 52nd anniversary of Elvis’ “special” receipt.

The page shared a throwback photo of the Rock and Roll king receiving his award and another of the memorabilia itself. “This was the only award that he ever accepted in person, and he carried it with him everywhere he went for the rest of his life,” the caption read.

What award was Elvis present for?

Elvis was named one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men by the United States Junior Chamber, popularly known as the Jaycees, on January 16, 1971. “On this day fifty-three years ago, Elvis Presley was recognized as one of the ‘Ten Outstanding Young Men’ by the US Junior Chamber!” Graceland’s page added.

They prompted followers to “swipe to see the suit he wore that night on display here at Elvis Presley’s Memphis! “He is the number one outstanding man (just behind Jesus) in my book!” someone wrote in the comments. “What a huge Honor! How proud are we of him!!!” a fan from California added.

 One Award Elvis Presley Received In Person One Award Elvis Presley Received In Person
ELVIS ON TOUR, Elvis Presley, 1972

Elvis’ acceptance speech

Elvis referred to his favorite Roy Hamilton song during his acceptance speech at Ellis Auditorium, where he had performed as a youngster. “When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer,” he started. “I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream that I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times.”

 One Award Elvis Presley Received In Person One Award Elvis Presley Received In Person
SPINOUT, Elvis Presley, 1966

He went on to quote the lyrics, saying that he “learned very early in life that, ‘without a song, the day would never end, without a song, a man ain’t got a friend, without a song, the road would never bend.’”

“So I keep singing a song,” he added, as he received the 11 Ibs trophy which he took with him on all trips ever since.


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