If you’re anything like me, you won’t think too much about the position you adopt while sleeping.
Picture it: you’ve come home from a(nother) long day at work, played with the kids, cooked food, put the kids to bed, and maybe had some time to relax in front of the TV or read a book, so when it comes time to finally hit the hay, you’ve got just about enough energy to drag yourself to the bedroom and turn the lights out before you fall asleep.
People’s schedules differ, of course, but my point is that I’ve never really given much thought to how I sleep. The important thing is that I actually get enough shut-eye before the madness begins anew tomorrow, right?
Well, apparently not. It might not come as a surprise to learn that there’s a lot going on in your body when you grab your recommended eight hours (often less, I’ll admit, in my case). As such, it might actually bear thinking about the manner in which you claim those hours… even down to something as seemingly flippant as the side you lie on.