Keep bathroom light on when sleeping in hotel – Here’s why

Sleeping with the lights on might not seem too bright, but when you’re traveling and staying in unfamiliar hotel rooms, a little bit of light will keep you a lot more safe.

When you’re staying in a hotel or motel, you may have heard the tip to keep the bathroom light on. This may sound like an odd suggestion, but there are some very practical reasons behind it.

From added safety and comfort to potential health benefits, here’s a rundown of why this small habit can make a big difference.

Keeps pests away

Motels, especially those with outdoor access, can occasionally have issues with insects and other pests. Leaving the bathroom light on can help deter critters from exploring your space at night.

Bugs and other small pests are often attracted to the darker corners of a room, so illuminating the bathroom may draw them away, allowing you a better night’s sleep.

But, as one Quora user writes, “Lights on do keep cockroaches away, but can attract other insects.”

Guiding light

Unfamiliar spaces are easy to stumble through, especially in the dark. One netizen says she finds it “strange,” but embraces the brightness for her “clumsy husband” who “walks into furniture” without a lighted path.

By keeping the bathroom light on, you create a dim, indirect glow in the main room, which helps you navigate safely if you need to get up in the night. Whether you’re grabbing a glass of water or just finding your way to the bathroom, a soft light minimizes the chances of tripping or knocking into furniture.

In addition, if there’s an emergency situation where you’re required to quickly evacuate, you won’t have to stumble through darkness.

“I don’t think being sleepy, alone in a deep dark room, trying to [find] my eyeglass, in an unfamiliar space is nice,” writes one cyber fan, who explains she frequently travels alone for work. “In case of emergency I want to make sure I can find my exit immediately, it’s one of my self-protection protocols, always.”

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