AI-Generated ‘50s Theme Park Where Visitors Are Chased By Giant Puppets


AI-generated ‘50s Theme ParkAI-generated ‘50s Theme Park

With the rise of AI, creators can bring their terrifying imaginations to life through trailers and clips. Meme Dream Machine recently released a spooky YouTube promo for an AI-generated ’50s theme park where visitors get chased by giant creepy puppets at the sound of the siren.

Even scarier is the fact that those who get caught turn into spooky puppets themselves and scare the rest. The clip was made using Pika Labs and Runway, with images generated by Midjourney and the script by the popular ChatGPT.

The AI-generated ’50s theme park of your nightmares

AI-generated ‘50s Theme Park AI-generated ‘50s Theme Park
Youtube video screenshot

The clip was described as “an AI-generated 1950s TV commercial for a family theme park called Pooky Park, where customers are chased by giant, somewhat terrifying puppets.” The three-minute video was posted to other pages, including Nitroactive Studio, which recreated a colorized version.

A Facebook user named Adicus Ryan Garton posted the same video to Facebook with the caption, “I feel like AI video really captures that liquid feel that dreams have. Where the background details only matter if you focus on them; otherwise, it’s all slippery and weird and only a toothy grin away from a goddamn nightmare.”

AI-generated ‘50s Theme Park AI-generated ‘50s Theme Park
Youtube video screenshoot

What viewers think

The YouTube video posted by Meme Dream Machine got nearly 400,000 views and about 2,000 comments expressing varying opinions. “It’s terrifying how GOOD it’s getting compared to the last few times people did stuff like this. I mean, the humans are actually looking…like PEOPLE,” someone noted. “Now THIS is how you use AI. Not to replace human imagination, but to enhance it. This would make an awesome first episode of an analog horror series,” another agreed.

AI-generated ‘50s Theme Park AI-generated ‘50s Theme Park
Youtube video screenshot

A user suggested it would make an “excellent idea for a video game, especially if the sirens go off at random times.”

“I want this to become an actual project. Never had I liked an AI project this much,” a second suggestion. “I can definitely see this being an actual famous internet scary story type thing and many other stuff, I love the concept,” a third person added.


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